Improvement to allow multiple installations of Salamandra without considering it as a second instance.Playing playlist when starting the program will not work in the second instance.Switched the way Salamandra's path is saved in the Windows registry, which could cause Salamandra not to start with the system on some computers.If there is a playlist programmed in the events and it is not possible to open it, Salamandra will continue with the playlist already open instead of stopping the playback.
Display of duration of selected tracks, only for audio tracks.Choice of time format for Time Announcements.Separate files (HRSxx and MINxx) or single file (hhmm). Choice of file layout for Time Announcements.They will open in the system's default reader. Possible to add executable or text files to the playlist.The mixing setting 'Detect end of song by level' may cause slowdowns when playing audio from CDs, so it is recommended to create a specific File Type for CDs where this option is disabled.